contact me

Need something written, edited, designed, or creatively finessed? 

I welcome the opportunity to help you get it done. 



I was a kid who loved to read and write and draw and make life-sized apartments out of cardboard boxes. Sadly, creative adults are expected to specialize. I resisted that mandate, or it resisted me.

While my creative eclecticism comes naturally, I got my professional versatility the hard way.

I started my unintentionally amphibious career in the 90s, day-jobbing as a copy editor/proofreader while making (analog) art after hours. I eventually completed an MFA in painting and drawing, but my efforts to do Only One Thing were futile. My grad-school classmates came to me with their artist statements, proffering cash, and it just went on from there. At this point, I’ve been employed as an arts administrator, adjunct professor of studio art, and developer/director of a rural community-media project. I’ve also handled communications for several tiny nonprofit organizations, so I can absolutely write a grant and design a poster in the same day.

I’m a native of Austin, Texas living in southwest Colorado. When I’m not finessing someone else’s words or graphics, I like to draw with a pencil.